Fear is a thief. It robs us of courage, paralyzes our dreams, and blocks us from stepping into the fullness of God’s purposes for our lives.
Fear is a thief. It robs us of courage, paralyzes our dreams, and blocks us from stepping into the fullness of God’s purposes for our lives.
On the last day of each month it is very important that you look back and call to remembrance the benevolence of the Lord in your life, and begin to declare it loud for all to hear. The essence of this recollection is to move your heart to worship God in gratitude.
Have you ever felt limited by your circumstances? Do you often find yourself defining your worth based on your background, financial situation, or current status? The truth is, you were created in the image and likeness of God, and you cannot be limited!
Today’s scripture reminds us that the righteous man’s potential for growth and excellence is limitless.
Anyone who is concerned about getting results or achieving their goals and the tasks that are entrusted to them, regardless of challenges, is certain to excel. This makes them a faithful steward, as they are able to not only get things done but also bring returns on investments.
Some people have seen their lives stagnate due to a fear of taking decisive actions. Some may even pass up opportunities for growth and expansion because of fears of failure. This approach is counterproductive and will not lead to success. To succeed, you must be bold, assertive, and resilient.
Had Moses not turned aside when he saw the manifestation of fire, he would have missed his life-changing encounter. Our preparation, observation, and obedience to God’s instructions or invitations help us align with Him, thereby aligning with His plan to work in our lives. Failure to align with God usually leads to delays in the manifestation of God’s promises in us.
braham, the father of faith, exemplifies the power of persistence and consistency. However, many struggle to grow in faith because they haven’t
When God promises you something, it doesn’t mean it will automatically come to pass; you need to take action to attain the promise. Simply wishing and waiting for the manifestation of God’s word won’t make you great.
Nothing happens in your life by accident. It is what you provoke that God gives you.
God’s promises are set to ensure we enter in his rest. This means is a state of when the blessing has stayed. God is committed to his word He spoke to you but are you committed to attain the promise physically.
The Onesound Devotional Box is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship which pursues a unified Body of Christ.