For the promises of God to manifest in your life, you must be strong in faith, believing that God, who has promised, is faithful and able to fulfill His promises.
For the promises of God to manifest in your life, you must be strong in faith, believing that God, who has promised, is faithful and able to fulfill His promises.
Many Christians wonder why they don’t experience God’s will for their lives. This, thus, leads them to frustration and an unconscious desire to deviate from His plan and purposes for their lives.
God’s goal is to bring you to a place where your trust in Him superceeds your reliance on your own understanding (Proverb 3:5). Trust involves waiting for God’s appointed time. In trust, we realize that there is a set time for the word to manifest.
Jesus teaches us that prayer is a direct expression of faith, and persistent prayer shows refusal to give up.
One of the most powerful weapons for experiencing answers and open heaven is your mouth. Your mouth has the capacity and power to chart the course of your life.
Fear is often misunderstood as simply being scared of something, but it is more than that. It is the uncertainty about what will happen next. Whenever you are unsure about the outcome of a situation or feel uncertain about the future, that is fear.
There are over 8billion inhabitants of planet earth yet, no one has your DNA and your fingerprint. Both are unique to you showing you that God has something
What hinders the destiny of many today is a lack of faith. Many persons are too skeptical, suspicious and cynical, and they do not believe anything even if you have the proof before their eyes.
Owning the world’s largest business enterprise is not impossible. However, the limiting factor is your mind. In other words,
It is a known fact that without faith, it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6). Faith is a necessity in walking with God and an important requirement for receiving from God. Yet, our
The Onesound Devotional Box is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship which pursues a unified Body of Christ.