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June 19, 2023

“Scriptural Text:
Philippians 4:6 (KJV)
” Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”



It is not unusual for anxiety to grip our minds when we dwell on the uncertainties and challenges we face daily. Worries about the future, concerns about our business, and the weight of daily responsibilities can sometimes flood our minds and distract us from God’s faithfulness, but our opening text today shows us how to handle all anxieties.

Our opening text prescribes prayer and supplication with thanksgiving as God’s strategy for us to overcome anxiety when it comes. In place of worry and anxiety, we are to redirect our energy into prayer. So instead of complaining and worrying, we are to make our requests known to God, who is able to do exceeding, abundantly above what we can ask or think!

God is not indifferent about your plight. He desires to walk with you, to shoulder your burdens, and to bring you His peace that surpasses all understanding. Your prayer in times of anxiety is the proof of your trust in Him, and a call unto Him to fulfil His promise.

Also, by expressing gratitude for His faithfulness, provision, and grace, you can shift your focus from your anxieties to His faithfulness. And while your worries may not instantly disappear, as you cultivate a habit of prayer, you will experience the transforming power of God’s peace as your faith begins to rise.

Therefore, as you go about your busines today, remember to cast all your cares upon the Lord by supplication and with thanksgiving all day long. Do not allow yourself be weighed down by situations and circumstances that may seem beyond you. Remember that they are not beyond the LORD, and He is faithful to keep His promise when you call unto Him. So, fear not!

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Father in the name of Jesus, teach me to trust in you and cast all my cares upon you everyday and in everything, in Jesus Name.e.

Nicaragua’s divided past still influences the present. The traumatic events of Civil War and Dictatorship divided politics, communities, trade unions, churches and families. The situation is changing, but there is still lingering distrust along these fault lines that needs to be overcome.

1. Prayer for the nation:Father in the name of Jesus, pour out your Spirit upon the nation Nicaragua, and cause a revival in the Church that will boil over into the nation and bring in a harvest of souls into your Kingdom, in Jesus Name.

2. Prayer for the leaders: Dear Father, we pray that You will raise up righteous leaders in the Nicaragua, that will favour the course of the Gospel in the nation, in Jesus Name.

🕍 PRAYER FOR ISRAEL – ( [popup_anything id=”5015″] )
Father in the name of Jesus, show your mercy and favour in this set time to Israel. Let your mercy not depart from Israel, in Jesus name.

Father in the name of Jesus, cause the spirit of love, and oneness to rest upon all church leaders, that in all they do, they may be united in purpose to bring glory to your name, in Jesus Name.

Father in the name of Jesus, we ask that your Word will grow mightily and prevail, leading to a mass harvest of souls and revival in our city and environs, in Jesus Name.

Numbers 34 & 35,
John 9,
Psalm 8

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God bless you.


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Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth, also known as Isaiah Wealth for short, is a lover of Jesus, a renowned author, philanthropist, and Senior Pastor of Gospel Pillars Intl. Churches worldwide.

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Picture of Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth, also known as Isaiah Wealth for short, is a lover of Jesus, a renowned author, philanthropist, and Senior Pastor of Gospel Pillars Intl. Churches worldwide.

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