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"If you love me, keep my commands. "
Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for Your ultimate sacrifice. Help me to understand the depth of Your love and to live a life of sacrifice, following Your example.
Zambia has a strong Christian heritage, with approximately 95% of the population identifying as Christian. The country's Christian community is vibrant and active, comprising numerous churches, ministries, and organizations dedicated to spreading the Gospel and serving their communities. Many Zambian believers are deeply committed to their faith and actively engaged in sharing it with others. While the Church in Zambia faces challenges such as poverty, corruption, and spiritual apathy, it remains a vital force for good in the country. Despite these obstacles, the faith and resilience of Zambian Christians continue to inspire hope and transformation in their communities.
Father in the name of Jesus, We ask that you will cause Zambians to desire a deeper walk with you, in the name of Jesus. .
Father in the Name of Jesus, we pray for wisdom upon the leaders of Zambia. That they will lead the nation to greater heights.
Father, we ask today, that you will pour out your spirit upon every unsaved soul in our cities and environs in the name of Jesus.
Proverbs 25
2Corinthians 12
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JUNE 5, 2024
John 14:15
“If you love me, keep my commands.”
Obedience is a sacrifice that requires us to surrender our will and desires to God’s plans. It is easy to obey when things make sense or when we agree with God’s direction. But what about when it is hard or does not seem logical? What about when the path forward is shrouded in uncertainty, or when following God’s direction demands personal sacrifice and challenges our understanding?
Obedience requires trust, faith, and surrender. It means trusting that God’s ways are higher than ours, having faith that His plans are good, and surrendering our control and desires to His leading.
Trusting in God’s wisdom means believing that He sees the bigger picture, even when we do not. Faith involves relying on His promises and character, especially when circumstances are challenging.
Surrendering to God’s will requires letting go of our own ambitions and preferences, allowing His purpose to guide our actions.
Thus, obedience is not a one-time event but a continuous process of surrender and trust. It is a daily commitment to align our lives with God’s will, a journey that demands ongoing faithfulness and humility. Each act of obedience builds upon the previous one, strengthening our relationship with God and deepening our reliance on His grace.
Choose one area of your life where you need to obey God more fully, and take a step of obedience today. It may be as simple as forgiving someone who has wronged you, sharing your resources with those in need, or dedicating time to prayer and reflection. Each small step of obedience draws us closer to God and transforms our hearts to be more like His. Through these acts, we demonstrate our faith, grow in spiritual maturity, and experience the fullness of God’s blessings in our lives. Halleluyah
Startup Prayer:
Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for Your ultimate sacrifice. Help me to understand the depth of Your love and to live a life of sacrifice, following Your example.
Zambia has a strong Christian heritage, with approximately 95% of the population identifying as Christian. The country’s Christian community is vibrant and active, comprising numerous churches, ministries, and organizations dedicated to spreading the Gospel and serving their communities. Many Zambian believers are deeply committed to their faith and actively engaged in sharing it with others.
While the Church in Zambia faces challenges such as poverty, corruption, and spiritual apathy, it remains a vital force for good in the country. Despite these obstacles, the faith and resilience of Zambian Christians continue to inspire hope and transformation in their communities.
Prayer for the nation:
Father in the name of Jesus,
We ask that you will cause Zambians to desire a deeper walk with you, in the name of Jesus.
Prayer for the leaders:
Father in the Name of Jesus, we pray for wisdom upon the leaders of Zambia. That they will lead the nation to greater heights.
Prayer for Israel
Father, cause Israel to be victorious against her enemies, in Jesus name.
Father in the Name of Jesus, cause the church to walk in love and unity.
Father, we ask today, that you will pour out your spirit upon every unsaved soul in our cities and environs in the name of Jesus.
– Exodus 39& 40
– Proverbs 25,
– 2 Corinthians 12

About the Author
Dr. Isaiah Macwealth is a Kingdom-minded minister, whose daily goal is to reach all nations with the Gospel. This devotional is one of his many efforts to accomplish this. His ministry is built on Matthew 24:14.

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About Us
The OneSound Hope for Success Devotional is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship that pursues a unified Body of Christ. The devotional content, designed to inspire hope and success, is discussed and aired LIVE every morning on OneSound Revival TV at 6.15am (GMT+1) and broadcast on its social media handles and via satellite daily, anchored by the author Dr. Isaiah Macwealth, and other anointed men and women of God. The devotional can be read in any language as it is designed with a multi-language plugin, so it can be shared all over the world.