Something very significant is to be learnt from our opening text regarding our conduct and manner of approach to things in the House of God.
Something very significant is to be learnt from our opening text regarding our conduct and manner of approach to things in the House of God.
In our opening text today, we find the Prophet Elijah in a state of exhaustion and despair after a great victory over the Prophets of Baal. God’s response to Elijah’s despair was both compassionate and practical as He sent an angel to provide food and shelter encouraging him to eat and rest.
One important aspect of Christianity is service. Just as we see in our opening text and contrary to what we would expect, Jesus Christ came to this world to serve and not to be served. His life of service sets a standard for us to follow in our daily lives.
God’s promise to always lead you in the right path is fulfilled in His giving of His precious spirit; the Holy Spirit. He sent you the Holy Spirit, to comfort, strengthen and teach you, especially in moments of crisis or despair. The words of todays opening scripture reveals this amazing truth; the help you need is right with YOU!
When you pray, you acknowledge that you cannot navigate life on your own. Conversely, a lack of prayer reveals a different attitude. If you neglect to pray, it may indicate that you believe you can handle life’s challenges perfectly. This also shows that you do not trust God enough to fully handle your life.
One of the most profound ways to reflect Christ’s love is through the act of giving. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son,
The lifting of hands is a very important prayer posture that every believer ought to learn and practice. It is a spiritual posture that allows you to connect with heaven in the place of prayer.
God is infinite, and your journey into knowing Him is unending, requiring daily updates. Just as there is a whole lot to learn by revelation in God
Focusing on the things above means letting the eternal realities of heaven shape your priorities, decisions and actions every day. You are to let the consciousness and value for eternal life be the reason and motivation for why you live and do the things that you do.
Our Opening Text today, shows a King called Amaziah who did everything he had been asked to do, even though he harbored a contrary opinion or hideous motive in his heart. If the Bible says Amaziahs heart was imperfect, it means that his deeds were unacceptable to God.
The Onesound Devotional Box is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship which pursues a unified Body of Christ.