The plan and purposes of God also are crafted in time. It would be wise of us therefore to be prompt in carrying out His instructions so we would not miss out on the favours He has set in time for us.
The plan and purposes of God also are crafted in time. It would be wise of us therefore to be prompt in carrying out His instructions so we would not miss out on the favours He has set in time for us.
When you pray, you acknowledge that you cannot navigate life on your own. Conversely, a lack of prayer reveals a different attitude. If you neglect to pray, it may indicate that you believe you can handle life’s challenges perfectly. This also shows that you do not trust God enough to fully handle your life.
Humility is not about thinking less of yourself, but rather thinking of yourself less. It is recognizing that every gift, every talent, and every opportunity is a gracious gift from God. It is to acknowledge your dependence on God and your need for His guidance in our lives.
God’s will for you is that you prosper (3John 2), because your prosperity gives Him joy (Psa 35:27), and He would want you to have enough to favour the cause of the Gospel (2Cor. 9:8). However, for our prosperity to become automated, our life of giving must first be automated.
The failure to experience newness in
God’s will for you is that you prosper (3John 2), because your prosperity gives Him joy (Psa 35:27), and He would want you to have enough to favour the cause of the Gospel (2Cor. 9:8). However, for our prosperity to become automated, our life of giving must first be automated.
The failure to experience newness in
Many believers worry why their prayers for promotion or increase have not been answered. They wonder why they remain in the same level in their finances or business. The key lies in faithfulness and diligence.
Living out our faith involves more than just attending church or reading the Bible. It means embodying the principles and values taught by Christ in every aspect of our lives. For instance, by choosing to love and forgive
The ways of God are perfect and excellent, they are far above the thinking and patterns of this world. And when we got born again, He invited us to learn His ways and walk in them by the help of His Spirit.
Consequences are results of our decisions. For every action of obedience our disobedience to Gods commandment, there are real consequences – Blessings or a curse. (Deut. 28:1,15). It is therefore wisdom to consider the spiritual consequence of your actions which may be seen or unseen.
You cannot claim to have your heart with Jesus when your treasures have not followed suit. The Bibles says a mans heart would always be where his treasures are (Matt 6:21). In other words, to have my heart with Jesus, I must transport my treasures into Him.
The Onesound Devotional Box is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship which pursues a unified Body of Christ.