As a child of God, It’s important you understand that God is always ready to help you when you call on Him in prayer, but to truly encounter His presence and power, you must have a heart filled with expectations.
As a child of God, It’s important you understand that God is always ready to help you when you call on Him in prayer, but to truly encounter His presence and power, you must have a heart filled with expectations.
Fellowship is God’s design for achieving oneness with Him. Through intimate communion, we gain a deeper understanding of His character, align our hearts with His will, and receive life-changing direction.
Unfortunately, many believers give up too easily when their prayers seem unanswered. This shouldn’t be.
Many believers find themselves caught in a routine of church activities—attending services early, joining prayer meetings, and winning souls—yet miss out on the opportunity to truly know the Lord.
Spiritual leaders, especially those involved in spiritual warfare, often face intense opposition from the enemy. Many are attacked, and some, unable to endure, are forgotten over time
Revival doesn’t happen by chance; it requires individuals who are deeply burdened for change, who desire to see God’s power manifest in their generation, and who will fervently pray until they see it happen.
Words and songs alone do not constitute worship; without a heart consecrated in adoration to God, it’s just noise, no different from a cassette player playing a tune.
When we intercede for others and show mercy to the undeserving, we initiate a divine exchange. By extending mercy on earth, we draw mercy from heaven.
God has given you the license or authorization to use the Name of Jesus. There is no demonic power including Satan himself that will not flee when you use the name in faith.
In heaven’s court, the devil’s accusations are like legal arguments aimed at blocking answers to our prayers. But we have a powerful defense: the Word of God
The Onesound Devotional Box is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship which pursues a unified Body of Christ.