We will be LIVE in
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I ask for grace and wisdom to speak words that align with your will and purpose for my life. I renounce every negative and faithless word I have spoken in the past and ask for Your Forgiveness and purging in the Name of Jesus.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, we pray that the Australian Christians will be revived once again in their faith in the Name of Jesus.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, we pray for a move of your spirit upon the leaders of this nation that they will turn to you with a heart of repentance in the Name of Jesus.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, we seek your face concerning Israel and we ask that you heal the land, bring unity among the people, and cause your love to shine through even in these dark seasons in the Name of Jesus.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, we ask that the church will stand together in Prayer, seeking only Your will above all else in Jesus' name.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, we intercede for the souls of the unsaved, and we ask that you deliver them from harmful relationships and associations that keep pulling them back to their old ways in the Name of Jesus.
Isaiah 52
- 1 John 3
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AUGUST 22, 2024
📖 Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
As believers, it’s not just what you think that matters, but what you say because the words you speak are actually a reflection of what you believe. This is why speaking the Word of God is crucial for accessing abundance and manifesting your destiny.
God has given you the authority to shape your destiny with the words you speak. Our Opening Text emphasizes the transformative power of your tongue, stating that the power of life and death lies within it. This means that your words have the ability to elevate you to new heights or hold you back from reaching your full potential.
Therefore,begin to fill your heart with God’s Word, focusing on progress, results, increase, and excellent things only. Then, declare them with confidence and watch your life flourish supernaturally! Glory to God!
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I ask for grace and wisdom to speak words that align with your will and purpose for my life. I renounce every negative and faithless word I have spoken in the past and ask for Your Forgiveness and purging in the Name of Jesus.
▪Prayer for a Nation
Traditionally, a Christian nation with freedom of religion, Australia is becoming increasingly secular. While the majority of the population still claims to be Christian, only 10% attend church regularly.The Church is being challenged by a New Age, self-created spirituality, and more people are developing negative attitudes toward the Church.
▪Prayer for the Nation:
Father, in the Name of Jesus, we pray that the Australian Christians will be revived once again in their faith in the Name of Jesus.
◾Prayer for the Leaders:
Father, in the Name of Jesus, we pray for a move of your spirit upon the leaders of this nation that they will turn to you with a heart of repentance in the Name of Jesus.
◾Prayer for Israel:
Father, in the Name of Jesus, we seek your face concerning Israel and we ask that you heal the land, bring unity among the people, and cause your love to shine through even in these dark seasons in the Name of Jesus.
◾Prayer for the Unity of the Church:
Father, in the Name of Jesus, we ask that the church will stand together in Prayer, seeking only Your will above all else in Jesus’ name.
◾Prayer for Souls/Revival:
Father, in the Name of Jesus, we intercede for the souls of the unsaved, and we ask that you deliver them from harmful relationships and associations that keep pulling them back to their old ways in the Name of Jesus.
Study the Bible in One Year:
– Ruth 3 & 4
Isaiah 52
– I John 3

About the Author
Dr. Isaiah Macwealth is a Kingdom-minded minister, whose daily goal is to reach all nations with the Gospel. This devotional is one of his many efforts to accomplish this. His ministry is built on Matthew 24:14.

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About Us
The OneSound Hope for Success Devotional is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship that pursues a unified Body of Christ. The devotional content, designed to inspire hope and success, is discussed and aired LIVE every morning on OneSound Revival TV at 6.15am (GMT+1) and broadcast on its social media handles and via satellite daily, anchored by the author Dr. Isaiah Macwealth, and other anointed men and women of God. The devotional can be read in any language as it is designed with a multi-language plugin, so it can be shared all over the world.