Man was created to have unhindered fellowship with God. We were never designed to be apart from Him or to live without His Presence. Though sin and the things of this world constantly seek to draw our focus away from Him,
Man was created to have unhindered fellowship with God. We were never designed to be apart from Him or to live without His Presence. Though sin and the things of this world constantly seek to draw our focus away from Him,
To be without a compass at sea is a costly and deadly mistake, yet many persons live their lives in such a way; lost at sea in this world without counsel or guidance, whereas, God has not left us without help.
Have you ever battled with the feeling of being backward or lagging behind; especially when a counterpart seem to be moving or achieving at a faster rate? Such feelings often leave you depleted, depressed and defeated, and are never the will of God for you.
The study of God’s Word is only a mere intellectual exercise if it does not culminate in obedience to what is written in it. As seen in our opening text today, only those who observe to do all that is written in the Word can make their ways prosperous and enjoy good success.
od’s Word contains all you need for a successful life. However, God’s Word will not produce results in your life just because you scanned through it or because you placed the Bible under your pillow all night long. Like our opening text shows us, God’s Word can be likened to a seed which has to first be planted before it can produce results in your life.
There are many competing voices in the world today seeking to gain our attention as believers. As you turn on the TV, scroll through social media or even in your day-to-day interaction with others, you are automatically bombarded with a flurry of opinions and suggestions, yet there is only one view that counts – God’s Word.
Something unique about this year is that God is giving you supernatural speed to accomplish more than you thought possible. It is the year of surpassing glory, which means that you will race through several levels until you reach a new peak that makes all your previous achievements fade in comparison.
Meditating on God’s Word is a simple yet powerful practice that allows us to soak in the truth and wisdom found in scriptures. It is carefully considering the Word for proper assimilation, so that it may affect our mindset and direct our actions.
Anyone would grope in the dark and move with much difficulty and limitation when the lights are out. However, the conditions become completely different when light is turned on. Focus, accuracy, and speed become effortlessly possible in the presence of light.
The best way to reap honour in every area of your life is by honouring God. In our opening scripture today, we see how that God expressly makes it clear that He would honour those who do honour Him. That is an assurance that you can bank on! If you honour the LORD, He will honour you in return.
The Onesound Devotional Box is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship which pursues a unified Body of Christ.