Diligence is more than just working hard; it is about doing things with care and attention. When you are diligent, you pay close attention to details and give your best effort in everything you do.
Diligence is more than just working hard; it is about doing things with care and attention. When you are diligent, you pay close attention to details and give your best effort in everything you do.
Self-control is defined as the ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviour, especially in the face of temptations and impulses. It is being able to resist impulsive
Procrastination happens when we delay tasks beyond their deadline, often because we fail to recognize the importance of timing. There is a right time for everything, and missing that window means missing out on opportunities.
When you commit to finishing your tasks, you honour God and demonstrate your reliability and faithfulness. Whether it is a small chore or a significant project, each task completed brings you one step closer to fulfilling your purpose and glorifying God with your actions.
Staying power is the courage to keep going, even when things get tough. It is pressing on in the face of challenges and obstacles, knowing that success is just around the corner. This is another important element of hardwork.
Every seed has the potential to grow into a tree and bring forth fruits after its kind, as the capacity for a seed to do this already lies inherent in it. However, it takes more than potential to see the process through. The seed must be
Many fail today because they fail to prioritize work over pleasure. Pleasure ought to be used as a reward for work done or progress achieved, and not as an end in itself.
Becoming a person of success begins with the understanding that whatever level of result you have achieved, there is yet a higher level or place that you can attain. Therefore, adding value to yourself beyond the requirements of your present
Success without hard work is not guaranteed. Some people today have no work ethic – they are used to giving excuses and procrastinating, yet they want to prosper, but for every level of result you desire, there is the level or quality of work
With our hearts, we receive the Word of God, meditate, and receive faith, which becomes the bedrock of our walk with God. However, our flesh will never understand the will of God.
The Onesound Devotional Box is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship which pursues a unified Body of Christ.