The willingness to sacrifice even in the face of opposition and suffering is a powerful testament to the depth of one’s faith in Christ. However
The willingness to sacrifice even in the face of opposition and suffering is a powerful testament to the depth of one’s faith in Christ. However
When Jesus called His disciples, He did not sugarcoat the journey ahead. He was clear that following Him would involve a significant cost, often entailing personal sacrifice.
Sometimes, we tend to focus more on the outward expressions of our devotion to God than the posture of our heart. We pray, we fast
In a world that places values on retribution, forgiving someone who has wronged us can feel like sacrificing justice. We may feel that forgiving lets the offender off the hook. However, Christ Jesus, all through Scriptures,
One of the easiest access into the presence of God is through Joy. God delights in a person who rejoices always because through Joy, you create an atmosphere for God’ Spirit to dwell.
Selflessness is a virtue that stands in contrast to the stark self-centeredness often encouraged by the world. In our opening text, we see Apostle Paul admonishing believers to do nothing out of selfish ambition but to
For many believers, it is easy to praise God when everything is going well and they have no challenges in their lives. However, fervent power is released in praise by virtue of the sacrifice carrying it.
In our Christian walk today, the devil is always out to accuse believers before God. He does this to keep you bound and stop you from inheriting all that God has said is rightly yours.
Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his only son Isaac as we see in our opening text today, was a profound act of Faith. This was not just about the physical act of offering his son, rather, it was about giving something precious because of the high value he pl
Sacrificing without prayer can be likened to knocking on a door and running away before it is opened. Your sacrifice knocked on the door and when God opened, you were no where to be found. This ought not be.
The Onesound Devotional Box is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship which pursues a unified Body of Christ.