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CREATE YOUR WORLD, Devotional box, Daily Devotional, Pastor, Bible, Isaiah Wealth Ministries, Word of God, it begins with acknowledging God, prophet isaiah wealth, loving God, reverence towards God
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Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Our scripture text today reveals to us a very profound and exciting revelation of God and the mystery behind creation. Here was God and right before Him was a chaotic, dark and empty world; however, He was not worried about the situation, neither was He confused or helpless as to what to do. Rather, He spoke and created by faith, the world that He wanted. God gave us the example of faith for us to follow.

God created the world out of nothing. That clearly means that whatever seems missing in your life now can be created. This means that overflowing blessings can be created in your life even in the midst of nothing. This means that plenty can be the order of the day in your home. Halleluyah!

There are several things God has made available to us in the realms of the spirit but we have to import them into the earthly realm by faith. Life can come forth in the midst of a dead situation. Glory to God! By faith any situation can change in your favour because your faith connects you to the God of all possibilities. By your faith you can make something beautiful out of a life of nothing. Glory to God!

Prophecy 1:  May your faith create all the blessings your desire today in Jesus name.

Prophecy 2: As you step out today, may goodness and mercies follow you in Jesus name

Action Points

W: Consider those things lacking in your life right now and begin to decree and declare the word concerning them.

X: I decree and I declare that I am free from every hold of darkness



Nicaragua’s divided past still influences the present. The traumatic events of 1979-1998 divided politics, communities, trade unions, churches and families. The situation is changing, but there is still lingering distrust along these fault lines that needs to be overcome.


Y: We are praying that the believers in Nicaragua will live an exemplary life that will attract others to God.

Startup prayer: Dear Father, thank you because every dead thing in my life comes alive today in Jesus name.

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Picture of Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth, also known as Isaiah Wealth for short, is a lover of Jesus, a renowned author, philanthropist, and Senior Pastor of Gospel Pillars Intl. Churches worldwide.

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Picture of Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth, also known as Isaiah Wealth for short, is a lover of Jesus, a renowned author, philanthropist, and Senior Pastor of Gospel Pillars Intl. Churches worldwide.

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