Every time God gives you the opportunity to be a part of someone else’s business or work, it is a test of faithfulness. Thus, the right seed to sow in that instance is commitment.
Every time God gives you the opportunity to be a part of someone else’s business or work, it is a test of faithfulness. Thus, the right seed to sow in that instance is commitment.
The Bible tells us in Rom 3:8 that God commended His love towards us while we were yet sinners. This means that He displayed His love towards us
In the midst of life’s challenges and trials, it is comforting to know that as believers, we have a place at the Lord’s table. Our opening text beautifully captures this truth, reminding us that God prepares a table before us, even in the presence of our enemies.
Diligence is what makes faith great! For example, the best you can get while attending church service alone is to hear the Word, which may give you little faith. Going the extra mile to further study in your privacy and meditate on the Word can help you achieve healthy faith. But, it is those who listen again and again, meditate on the Word and act on it that will grow to possess great faith.
Diligence is what makes faith great! For example, the best you can get while attending church service alone is to hear the Word, which may give you little faith. Going the extra mile to further study in your privacy and meditate on the Word can help you achieve healthy faith. But, it is those who listen again and again, meditate on the Word and act on it that will grow to possess great faith.
When we cry out to God, He meets us where we are. He understands our human frailties and is compassionate towards our struggles. He doesn’t condemn us for our doubts but extends His loving hand to lift us up
The people you spend time with can greatly influence your beliefs, attitudes, and actions. Their wisdom and example can help to strengthen your faith and guard against unbelief.
Growth and prosperity are principal parts of God’s original design for our lives. The Bible affirms His desire for our prosperity in 3John 2.
Growth and prosperity are principal parts of God’s original design for our lives. The Bible affirms His desire for our prosperity in 3John 2.
God is a fisher of men, and your gift is a bait He has designed to get people hooked to Him. Your gift should attract people so that they can be hooked to Christ. It may be your voice, looks or even your intelligence. Putting your gift to work in such a way that your gift in operation can bring men to God is witnessing.
The Onesound Devotional Box is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship which pursues a unified Body of Christ.