Walking in God’s power requires absolute dependence on Him. It is not about how strong or capable you are but about yielding to the one who empowers you.
Walking in God’s power requires absolute dependence on Him. It is not about how strong or capable you are but about yielding to the one who empowers you.
To be sanctified means to be set apart for God’s use. It is not just about living an upright life but about recognizing that your life belongs to God.
Walking in God’s power requires absolute dependence on Him. It is not about how strong or capable you are but about yielding to the one who empowers you.
To be sanctified means to be set apart for God’s use. It is not just about living an upright life but about recognizing that your life belongs to God.
SCRIPTURAL TEXT: 2 Thessalonians 1:3 We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your faithgroweth exceedingly, and
The Onesound Devotional Box is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship which pursues a unified Body of Christ.