Walking in God’s power requires absolute dependence on Him. It is not about how strong or capable you are but about yielding to the one who empowers you.
Walking in God’s power requires absolute dependence on Him. It is not about how strong or capable you are but about yielding to the one who empowers you.
To be sanctified means to be set apart for God’s use. It is not just about living an upright life but about recognizing that your life belongs to God.
Walking in God’s power requires absolute dependence on Him. It is not about how strong or capable you are but about yielding to the one who empowers you.
To be sanctified means to be set apart for God’s use. It is not just about living an upright life but about recognizing that your life belongs to God.
Delighting in the Word means more than just reading it occasionally. It means adopting it as the standard for your life, and allowing it shape your thoughts and actions. The Word of God is life, in it lies the power to everything you need.
Many times, believers give up too soon. They pray once, try once, and when they do not see immediate results, they assume it is not meant to be.
God expects you to be intentional about developing your mental capacity. Many struggle with fear, doubt, or complacency, not because they lack ability, but because they have not disciplined their minds.
Imagine being diagnosed with a terminal disease and hearing someone tell you to count it all joy. Your first instinct might be to react in anger or frustration, perhaps even throw a punch at the person.
You might ask, what does it mean to focus on the Lord? Focusing on the Lord means to fill your heart with what God has said concerning your life, refusing to allow difficult situations override your knowledge of who you are in Him and what He has freely given you (1Timothy 6:17).
As a believer, there are seasons in your life that God permits you to go through challenges. He does this to enable you to develop the capacity to endure hard times and to look to Him to walk you through it all.
The Onesound Devotional Box is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship which pursues a unified Body of Christ.