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Live Now: SHOW ME YOUR TENDER MERCIES – Praying the Promises 4th Dec. 2023

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Scriptural Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:18
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Our opening text tells us to give thanks in everything. What does this imply? It means that we are to give God thanks regardless of the situation.
In other words, our thanksgiving to God ought to be constant even when the situations we find ourselves are not. The Bible says that this is the will of God concerning us.
The situation you face may not be the will of God, but when you thank God about it, you place yourself right in the will of God. Thus, thanksgiving repositions you in the will of God.
Remember, just like the Lord expects you to speak to Him every day, at every time, and in everything we do;
He also expects you to give him thanks in all you do or experience in your livem. So begin to thank him right now, irrespective of what you have or do not have, and where you are or are not.
As you prove faithful in giving thanks, the Lord will reposition you into your place of advantage! Amen.
🙏 Startup Prayer
Dear Father, help me to always be in your perfect will for my life in Jesus name
18% are unreached with the Gospel. Due to past wars, millions were uprooted and became refugees or internally displaced.
The trauma has opened the hearts of the people to the Gospel, especially the young people.
Prayer for the nation:
Father in the name of Jesus, we ask for wisdom upon the government, that they may know how to prevent reoccurring wars in the nation, in Jesus name.
Prayer for the Leaders:
Father in the name of Jesus, we pray that the leaders of this nation will find mercy and grace before you as they look for solutions to the different problems that are affecting the nation.
🕍 PRAYER FOR ISRAEL – ( Psalms 122-6 )(Ps 122:6)
Father in the name of Jesus, we bind every spirit of judgment and self-righteousness in the church: help us to walk in oneness and peace in Jesus name.
Father in the name of Jesus, we repent on behalf of the church for displeasing you. We choose to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, and oneness.
💒PRAYER FOR SOULS / REVIVALFather in the name of Jesus, we ask for the support of angelic beings, saints of old, and a manifestation of the person of Jesus for the evangelization of this city.
Ecclesiastes 9 & 10,
Proverbs 23,
Revelation 5,
Do you have a testimony from the use of our daily devotional? Kindly reach out to us to share your testimonies via:
Email: info@devotionalbox.com WhatsApp: +234 908 899 9194
To order teaching resources by Prophet Isaiah Wealth, please visit www.isaiahwealthestore.org for soft copies or https://kairosbookshop.org for books and other hard copy resources.
Slide to read today's devotional
Scriptural Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:18
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Our opening text tells us to give thanks in everything. What does this imply? It means that we are to give God thanks regardless of the situation.
In other words, our thanksgiving to God ought to be constant even when the situations we find ourselves are not. The Bible says that this is the will of God concerning us.
The situation you face may not be the will of God, but when you thank God about it, you place yourself right in the will of God. Thus, thanksgiving repositions you in the will of God.
Remember, just like the Lord expects you to speak to Him every day, at every time, and in everything we do;
He also expects you to give him thanks in all you do or experience in your livem. So begin to thank him right now, irrespective of what you have or do not have, and where you are or are not.
As you prove faithful in giving thanks, the Lord will reposition you into your place of advantage! Amen.
🙏 Startup Prayer
Dear Father, help me to always be in your perfect will for my life in Jesus name
18% are unreached with the Gospel. Due to past wars, millions were uprooted and became refugees or internally displaced.
The trauma has opened the hearts of the people to the Gospel, especially the young people.
Prayer for the nation:
Father in the name of Jesus, we ask for wisdom upon the government, that they may know how to prevent reoccurring wars in the nation, in Jesus name.
Prayer for the Leaders:
Father in the name of Jesus, we pray that the leaders of this nation will find mercy and grace before you as they look for solutions to the different problems that are affecting the nation.
🕍 PRAYER FOR ISRAEL – ( Psalms 122-6 )(Ps 122:6)
Father in the name of Jesus, we bind every spirit of judgment and self-righteousness in the church: help us to walk in oneness and peace in Jesus name.
Father in the name of Jesus, we repent on behalf of the church for displeasing you. We choose to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, and oneness.
💒PRAYER FOR SOULS / REVIVALFather in the name of Jesus, we ask for the support of angelic beings, saints of old, and a manifestation of the person of Jesus for the evangelization of this city.
Ecclesiastes 9 & 10,
Proverbs 23,
Revelation 5,
Do you have a testimony from the use of our daily devotional? Kindly reach out to us to share your testimonies via:
Email: info@devotionalbox.com WhatsApp: +234 908 899 9194
To order teaching resources by Prophet Isaiah Wealth, please visit www.isaiahwealthestore.org for soft copies or https://kairosbookshop.org for books and other hard copy resources.
Slide to read today's devotional
Scriptural Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:18
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Our opening text tells us to give thanks in everything. What does this imply? It means that we are to give God thanks regardless of the situation.
In other words, our thanksgiving to God ought to be constant even when the situations we find ourselves are not. The Bible says that this is the will of God concerning us.
The situation you face may not be the will of God, but when you thank God about it, you place yourself right in the will of God. Thus, thanksgiving repositions you in the will of God.
Remember, just like the Lord expects you to speak to Him every day, at every time, and in everything we do;
He also expects you to give him thanks in all you do or experience in your livem. So begin to thank him right now, irrespective of what you have or do not have, and where you are or are not.
As you prove faithful in giving thanks, the Lord will reposition you into your place of advantage! Amen.
🙏 Startup Prayer
Dear Father, help me to always be in your perfect will for my life in Jesus name
18% are unreached with the Gospel. Due to past wars, millions were uprooted and became refugees or internally displaced.
The trauma has opened the hearts of the people to the Gospel, especially the young people.
Prayer for the nation:
Father in the name of Jesus, we ask for wisdom upon the government, that they may know how to prevent reoccurring wars in the nation, in Jesus name.
Prayer for the Leaders:
Father in the name of Jesus, we pray that the leaders of this nation will find mercy and grace before you as they look for solutions to the different problems that are affecting the nation.
🕍 PRAYER FOR ISRAEL – ( Psalms 122-6 )(Ps 122:6)
Father in the name of Jesus, we bind every spirit of judgment and self-righteousness in the church: help us to walk in oneness and peace in Jesus name.
Father in the name of Jesus, we repent on behalf of the church for displeasing you. We choose to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, and oneness.
💒PRAYER FOR SOULS / REVIVALFather in the name of Jesus, we ask for the support of angelic beings, saints of old, and a manifestation of the person of Jesus for the evangelization of this city.
Ecclesiastes 9 & 10,
Proverbs 23,
Revelation 5,
Do you have a testimony from the use of our daily devotional? Kindly reach out to us to share your testimonies via:
Email: info@devotionalbox.com WhatsApp: +234 908 899 9194
To order teaching resources by Prophet Isaiah Wealth, please visit www.isaiahwealthestore.org for soft copies or https://kairosbookshop.org for books and other hard copy resources.

DECEMBER 5 , 2023


“Thessalonians 5:18
In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. ”


Our opening text tells us to give thanks in everything. What does this imply? It means that we are to give God thanks regardless of the situation. In other words, our thanksgiving to God ought to be constant even when the situations we find ourselves are not. The Bible says that this is the will of God concerning us.

The situation you face may not be the will of God, but when you thank God about it, you place yourself right in the will of God. Thus, thanksgiving repositions you in the will of God.

Remember, just like the Lord expects you to speak to Him every day, at every time, and in everything we do; He also expects you to give him thanks in all you do or experience in your livem. So begin to thank him right now, irrespective of what you have or do not have, and where you are or are not. As you prove faithful in giving thanks, the Lord will reposition you into your place of advantage! Amen.

– – – – – – – – –
Startup Prayer:
Dear Father, help me to always be in your perfect will for my life in Jesus name

18% are unreached with the Gospel. Due to past wars, millions were uprooted and became refugees or internally displaced. The trauma has opened the hearts of the people to the Gospel especially the young people.

Prayer for the nation:
Father in the name of Jesus, we ask for wisdom upon the government, that they may know how to prevent reoccurring wars in the nation, in Jesus name.

Prayer for the leaders: Father in the name of Jesus, we pray that the leaders of this nation will find mercy and grace before you as they look for solutions to the different problems that are affecting the nation.

Father in the name of Jesus, we ask today that there will be peace in Jerusalem and that your purposes be established in that city. Amen (Ps 122:6)

Father in the name of Jesus, we repent on behalf of the church for displeasing you. We choose to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, and oneness.

Father in the name of Jesus, we ask for the support of angelic beings, saints of old, and a manifestation of the person of Jesus for the evangelization of this city.

Ecclesiastes 9 & 10, Proverbs 23, Revelation 5



About the Author

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth is a Kingdom-minded minister, whose daily goal is to reach all nations with the Gospel. This devotional is one of his many efforts to accomplish this. His ministry is built on Matthew 24:14.

Devotional Box is an impact driven devotional with several specialized versions. The Metamorphosis is the most general type which cuts across all works of life, ages and backgrounds.

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About Us

The OneSound Hope for Success Devotional is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship that pursues a unified Body of Christ. The devotional content, designed to inspire hope and success, is discussed and aired LIVE every morning on OneSound Revival TV at 6.15am (GMT+1) and broadcast on its social media handles and via satellite daily, anchored by the author Dr. Isaiah Macwealth, and other anointed men and women of God. The devotional can be read in any language as it is designed with a multi-language plugin, so it can be shared all over the world.