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Live Now: CAUSE ME TO RECEIVE THE RAIN OF HEAVEN – Praying the Promises 2ND OCT, 2023

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Live Now: CAUSE ME TO RECEIVE THE RAIN OF HEAVEN – Praying the Promises 2ND OCT, 2023

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Scriptural Text: Romans 12:2 -(KJV)
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
The role of the word of God in the process of change cannot be over emphasized. It is the catalyst for a lasting change.
How you act is a product of how you think (Prov.23:7). Therefore, an attempt to change your character without changing the mind-set behind your actions will only bring a temporary change.
Real transformation therefore begins from within and is then made manifest on the outside. This is why Apostle Paul instructs us to put off the old man by renewing in the attitude of our minds (Eph. 4:22-23), a message that our scriptural text today reiterates.
Thus, as you put off your old thinking pattern and begin to renew your mind with the Word of God, your actions will begin to change and your relationship with God and fellow men will begin to improve to the Glory of God. Halleluyah!
🙏 Startup Prayer
Father in the name of Jesus, as I fellowship with your Word today, cause me to experience a transformation in my thinking and then in my life, in the name of Jesus.
As a predominantly Catholic country, Portugal is even further unified by the culturally embedded traditions and practices of the Church.
The Portuguese youth in particular are overlooked, and New Age ideals, Mormonism, and Jehovah's Witnesses are beginning to take hold of those who do not know Christ.
Increasing pursuit of individualism and material gain further blind the people from seeing their need for a Savior.
Prayer for the nation:
Father in the name of Jesus, cause the veil of darkness that covers the face of the youths and unbelieving in the nation to be broken now, that the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ may shine in their hearts today, in the name of Jesus.
Prayer for the Leaders:Father in the name of Jesus, cause the heart of the nation's leaders to yearn for you today, that they may seek to you and be yielded to your will, in Jesus name.
🕍 PRAYER FOR ISRAEL – ( Psalms 122-6 )(Ps 122:6)
Father in the name of Jesus, show your mercy and favour in this set time to Israel. Let your mercy not depart from Israel, in Jesus name.
Father in the name of Jesus, we pray that the church will become more conscious and fully involved in the ministry of reconciliation and evangelism, in Jesus name.
Father in the name of Jesus, we ask that you will cause the heart of every unsaved soul in our city to be fertile and prepared to receive the Good News of the Gospel that we preach, in Jesus name.
1Chronicles 21 & 22,
Psalm 110,
Colossians 3
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OCTOBER 2, 2023


“Romans 12:2 – “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”


The role of the word of God in the process of change cannot be over emphasized. It is the catalyst for a lasting change. When you got saved, your spirit was recreated after Christ, but to see the character of Christ manifest in your life, you have to renew your mind with the word of God, as your actions are a product of your thoughts.


How you act is a product of how you think (Prov.23:7). Therefore, an attempt to change your character without changing the mind-set behind your actions will only bring a temporary change. Real transformation therefore begins from within and is then made manifest on the outside. This is why Apostle Paul instructs us to put off the old man by renewing in the attitude of our minds (Eph. 4:22-23), a message that our scriptural text today reiterates.


Thus, as you put off your old thinking pattern and begin to renew your mind with the Word of God, your actions will begin to change and your relationship with God and fellow men will begin to improve to the Glory of God. Halleluyah!


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Startup Prayer: Father in the name of Jesus, as I fellowship with your Word today, cause me to experience a transformation in my thinking and then in my life, in the name of Jesus.


As a predominantly Catholic country, Portugal is even further unified by the culturally embedded traditions and practices of the Church. The Portuguese youth in particular are overlooked, and New Age ideals, Mormonism, and Jehovah’s Witnesses are beginning to take hold of those who do not know Christ. Increasing pursuit of individualism and material gain further blind the people from seeing their need for a Savior.


Prayer for the Nation:
Father in the name of Jesus, cause the veil of darkness that covers the face of the youths and unbelieving in the nation to be broken now, that the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ may shine in their hearts today, in the name of Jesus.


Prayer for the Leaders:
Father in the name of Jesus, cause the heart of the nation’s leaders to yearn for you today, that they may seek to you and be yielded to your will, in Jesus name.


Prayer for Israel – (Ps 122:6)
Father in the name of Jesus, we ask today, that there will be peace in Jerusalem and that your purposes be established in that city. Amen. (Ps 122:6)


Father in the name of Jesus, we pray that the church will become more conscious and fully involved in the ministry of reconciliation and evangelism, in Jesus name.


Father in the name of Jesus, we ask that you will cause the heart of every unsaved soul in our city to be fertile and prepared to receive the Good News of the Gospel that we preach, in Jesus name.


1Chronicles 21 & 22, Psalm 110, Colossians 3



October Adoration and Blessing

About the Author

Dr. Isaiah Macwealth is a Kingdom-minded minister, whose daily goal is to reach all nations with the Gospel. This devotional is one of his many efforts to accomplish this. His ministry is built on Matthew 24:14.

Devotional Box is an impact driven devotional with several specialized versions. The Metamorphosis is the most general type which cuts across all works of life, ages and backgrounds.

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About Us

The OneSound Hope for Success Devotional is the official daily devotional guide of the Onesound Revival TV, a non-denominational fellowship that pursues a unified Body of Christ. The devotional content, designed to inspire hope and success, is discussed and aired LIVE every morning on OneSound Revival TV at 6.15am (GMT+1) and broadcast on its social media handles and via satellite daily, anchored by the author Dr. Isaiah Macwealth, and other anointed men and women of God. The devotional can be read in any language as it is designed with a multi-language plugin, so it can be shared all over the world.

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